Maalauksia, piirroksia, runoja, kirjoituksia... Vapaa ajan taiteilijoiden luomuksia. (Paintings, drawings, poems, writings... Creations of free time artists.)
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Autumn Joy
This marks the end of autumn, well it`s winter here, but no snow so...
Anyways. Tomorrow will begin my Christmas Calender posting at Tumblr; meaning a new post every day till 25th of December.
Here`s a link to my Tumblr blog, if you wanna see what`s going on: Doodles and Stuff
Also, I won`t be posting here or anywhere else during that time, but I will hang around and after the Christmas hassle I might be settling for a once-a-month-posting day here.
Everyone have a delightful winter! :D
Friday, October 31, 2014
Happy Hallowe'en.
PS: Gonna change some background picture and stuff in the blog to make it more..seasonal.
All Hallows eve
Happy Halloween people!
Aki-chan sure makes for one cute little RED riding hood! ;D
Thursday, October 16, 2014
All free time has gone to playing video games.
Anyway, here's something I started long time ago. Finally finished it few days ago.

It might not be the most impressing work I've done but I'm pretty pleased with it.
I also did new video today. You can go check it out if you want.
Here's a link:
|| Assassin's Creed | Warriors ||
I absolutely love that song "Warriors" by Imagine Dragons. I love it.
For next time.. You'll probably see some the Walking Dead stuff. LOVED ( too ) the first episode of season 5. Just loved it. Can't wait for next Monday, I'm officially psyched.
I guess that's all I needed to say.
No, it wasn't... I know it's Friday and my posting day was suppose to be Thursday but I got permission from out main Admin Smudger
I hope everybody is okay with that. I'm quite sure those "posting days" are sort of gone because.. well, life.
Anyway.. There was also talk about translating our posts to Finnish.. Umh.. I might do it.
IF some Finnish person really doesn't get what I'm writing here.
If you want to see texts in Finnish comment and I'll do my best to translate them as soon as possible.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
King Muffin
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Terve ihmiset
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Little Light
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
You can only wait now.
But lucky for you guys, forever isn`t my style, so eventually things will change back.
Tracon was a small let down not because of friends, but the lack of them. Once again I was doomed to stroll alone, but not to sound overly melodramatic, I did enjoy my time there at times as well.
Next time I`ll be prepared and will have plans to what to do there.
Must have also been a failure thanks to the lack of a proper plan, I guess.
I`m a classic overthinker so I get very worked up by the smallest things. However I am trying to solve my mind and grow to withstand disappointment even more. Along with other negatively affecting emotions.
I will continue to draw, and do artsy-stuff, for I cannot quit even if I tried.
It`s so much of a deep part of me, surely over half of me would die if that part was to disappear.
The only difference is that I won`t be showing those things to you guys.
I am sorry about that, if there are any eager to see my work, that is.
Until next time.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Oh my..
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Rainbow cake
He is high, as you can see.
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Bleh.. It looked like shit.
All the pictures were different size, wtf?...
Anyway.. Maybe it looks bit better now.
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Fallen ill
I am sorry but today I have absolutely nothing to post. Been drawing only sucky doodles, planning to make all new face/bodypainting portfolio, working with damn awesome people in drama shop and getting sick..again.
Throat is hurting again and I am using most of my time and energy to fixing it and working (I need the money, cant get ill coz I hate visiting hospitals and not getting any help. Sucks)
So, I hope next time I am healthy again and can provide some awesome art! (I will do my best at that)
So deep and humble sorry..
And thank you for following out humble blog. (:
Yours: Smudger
Sunday, September 7, 2014
The sun is still shining
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
I was supposed to add words "clap your hands if you are happy! Oh.." but maybe I do it better later.
Like..with some computer magic.
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Fighting Insomnia
But is also kind of cool because it boosts creativity. (my hand is hurting because I`ve been writing non-stop since 6 AM - Damn random-stories, you spin my world around!)
Very excited, it`s only two weeks until Tracon! I`ve got the full set for my cosplay attempt and it`s beginning to be hard to keep the hype down. I`ll be seeing a lot of my friends there and hopefully everyone will be having fun the whole weekend =)
But to doodles then; Here are some more doodles and stuff, the usual kind of stuff I do. Though now haven`t been drawing lately.
I recently finished playing Medievil 2 through once again, and now I`m going through Spyro the dragon.
Sister tells me she wants to research on my Vergil gameplay with DMC3 too and maybe try DMC1 again.
She also tries to hook me on trying Elder Scrolls Oblivion as well, but I might need more time with that one.
Still quite frustrated how I haven`t been able to be happy about the character I`ve created.
But yes, enough chiiba-chaaba.
Until next week again.
(In hopes my computer won`t die before that. Though I believe Smudger will be able to cover me if that is to happen)
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Caelitus Mihi Vires

Anyway, Castiel. In a suit and.. less in a suit.
I might color the other picture. MIGHT. I have bunch of other pictures from the old sketch book I haven't even posted yet..
Yeah, since I wrote so much to the last post and now few minutes later I'm out of words I'll keep this short.
I have few new videos again, too.
Feel free to check them out.
This one is just lyric video of a song I fell in love with.
It just sort of described perfectly how I have felt lately..
|| Hurts | Help ||
I often hear from people I know they wouldn't believe I listen that kind of music but yes, I like their other songs too.
(I mostly listen rock/alternative rock and I guess that's why people are so surprised..)
|| Assassin's Creed | Time ||
I usually don't work with only instrumental songs and that's why this.. didn't turn out to be so great as it could have.
Hans Zimmer is such amazing composer.
I might post something else too IF I get something done.
Dominus Vobiscum

My forever problem - titles. So, little bit Latin for you then since I'm not far enough to write Enochian to you yet..
Matches the theme though.. Crosses and Rosary.
Could we go more religious?
Yes we could. Even might, I have few other crosses and rosaries in the making..
Why such topic? I don't know actually.. I just felt like it.
(I hope none of other bloggers mind...)
The cross in the rosary failed. It's nothing I wanted it to be and it bothers me a little.. However, it started to bother me AFTER I had inked it. Yay.
The bigger cross with red, sort of wannabe rubies on it turned out better than it looked as sketch.
I know I promised you the angel last week but.. I couldn't get it done. It's really painful to ink. Seriously. Horrible. I try for next week.
Also, I apologies the quality of these pictures once again..
Not. Good. At. All.
Deus vobiscum.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Cute Castiel
And so he prayed..
Painting job
It turned out okay..I watched it too much myself but I hope you like it. ( :
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Autumn sun
Autumn is here. I`ve found myself often walking in the chilly air under the cold sky at night.
Wonderous things I`ve seen, like all kinds of city animals; rabbits, a fox and even bats.
But now about drawing. Wanted to try some black and white styled stuff and even my sister says they look kind of creepy.
And then there are those dark angel doodles again and the last opening with some disturbing things. The freaky faces and a little blood are all because of a nasty demon possession. The nasty-little-demon kind of possession. (usually my demons are young handsome men but enough of that)
And that random picture of the crazy best friends, a little something to maybe brighten the other darker looking pieces.
Winter is on it`s way and I feel saddened that I have to bid farewell to the heartwarming sun light, until the coming spring...
Thursday, August 21, 2014
All kinds of stuff

I'm in little bit of a hurry today.. So, few old drawings I found when digging through my drawers. They're from the time I still didn't own sketch book of any kind. The skull thing and tree.
Um.. Sorry, don't have much better to give this week.
Small panda and some Winchesters. Really quick inked little art. Also a angel I try to finish for next week.
I might edit this post when I have more time to do it..
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Pokémon forever
What I watched? Pokémon with awful Finnish dub. And when I say awful, I mean it by heart.
(With bigger rack. Sorry. Pervertness is very deep..very very deep in)
Sunday, August 17, 2014
It jumped me again!
This time with women-only.
Some pose study and the usual random doodles out of curiosity. It seems I`m still able to draw women too.
These girls aren`t wearing much (despite me usually not liking it when a woman isn`t wearing much) because of none other reason than body study.
So enjoy now that you can, I usually draw girls wearing more clothes, if it`s not a beach issue, that is ;)