Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label doodles. Show all posts

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The sun is still shining

Had a nice weekend at home again. Baked a cake with mom, took some photos and cursed my laptop.
Autumn is in the air but the sun continues to warm, which I`m grateful for =)

Here are some doodles about that new story of mine which will be set in Finland.

Next weekend there will be no posting day for me on Sunday, because I`m giving my all to Tracon.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Fighting Insomnia

Insomnia sucks.
But is also kind of cool because it boosts creativity. (my hand is hurting because I`ve been writing non-stop since 6 AM - Damn random-stories, you spin my world around!)

Very excited, it`s only two weeks until Tracon! I`ve got the full set for my cosplay attempt and it`s beginning to be hard to keep the hype down. I`ll be seeing a lot of my friends there and hopefully everyone will be having fun the whole weekend =)

But to doodles then; Here are some more doodles and stuff, the usual kind of stuff I do. Though now haven`t been drawing lately.
I recently finished playing Medievil 2 through once again, and now I`m going through Spyro the dragon.
Sister tells me she wants to research on my Vergil gameplay with DMC3 too and maybe try DMC1 again.
She also tries to hook me on trying Elder Scrolls Oblivion as well, but I might need more time with that one.
Still quite frustrated how I haven`t been able to be happy about the character I`ve created.
But yes, enough chiiba-chaaba.
Until next week again.
(In hopes my computer won`t die before that. Though I believe Smudger will be able to cover me if that is to happen)

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Autumn sun

Gosh, my computer is buzzing annoyingly as I type this... It seems to be nearing its death I fear. Not soon I hope...
Autumn is here. I`ve found myself often walking in the chilly air under the cold sky at night.
Wonderous things I`ve seen, like all kinds of city animals; rabbits, a fox and even bats.

But now about drawing. Wanted to try some black and white styled stuff and even my sister says they look kind of creepy.
And then there are those dark angel doodles again and the last opening with some disturbing things. The freaky faces and a little blood are all because of a nasty demon possession. The nasty-little-demon kind of possession. (usually my demons are young handsome men but enough of that)
And that random picture of the crazy best friends, a little something to maybe brighten the other darker looking pieces.
Winter is on it`s way and I feel saddened that I have to bid farewell to the heartwarming sun light, until the coming spring...

Saturday, August 9, 2014

What do we have here...?

An actual color picture! Yes! Got into the mood and even dared to use my precious watercolor paper (which was mostly refunded by Smudger, so big thanks and applauds for that.)
And what would life be without the usual doodles?
This time some more uh... Guys with... Some more guys... Excuse me for the quite undetermined content.
Not that it really bothers me.
I had crazy fun with the beards XD When drawing, I just had to stop and laugh at them because they looked so hilarious!!! So going to keep them when they get older...
Oh, and some more Spamano! ( And Italy)

Them beards and staches, I just can`t XD

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Hot Summer Days

Just great, begin writing here and ta-da, my computer has frozen again! Very annoying I tell you!
Just like this heat, it`s unbearable! I can`t stand to move during the day, and I`m not even wearing much since I just hide from the heat inside these walls...
Agh. my head also sort of hurts... I tend to get a headache if I`m in a too hot spot, currently I can feel my brains boiling inside my head.

Anyway, some doodles again, haven`t had the inspiration for anything proper really. I could blame the heat and Animal Crossing but... I guess it`s really just me. I need to find my motivation again somehow.

(One of chibimanos picture`s is missing his nose. My fault or maybe the camera flash)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Concept Art

Some concept art for my story which is currently known as Gilroy The Hero.(It`s just the first chapter really)
A few days ago I managed to write all the story arcs of that story till the very end, but of course, it`s still not ready, needs a lot of modification. Here is some of the stuff I drew when trying to fill some blank holes in that universe. And a special sketch of Shuji washing Theia`s feet =)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Free verse comics, I call them

Hey people, been working on a `free verse`comic, sort of. It`s a random project I finished the day before yesterday, but I wanted to wait so I could use the schools scanner, and so I did. =)
Though the material is a little... Umm... Inappropriate (did I get that right?) So I`ll leave some of the pages out, or only one, I think.
You can find the missing page from DeviantART. (You have to be registered in there to view it)
My Page there: MoonCora-DeviantART

This short story is about two of my characters, and it`s the test version of the night Aki-chan meets angel Kanerou for the first time. 
----------------------> Read Left to Right
Hope you like it =)

Me and my fellow Admins would love to receive comments about our work. It means a lot to hear feedback =D

(Sorry the page after this is missing due to it`s content)

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Sleepless night doodles

I don`t know if it`s the spring sun effecting me or just my brain picking on me... But here are more ball point pencil doodles from the night before last night(?). I sure wish it won`t become a habit to stay up 30h straight, did it twice this week already... At least my creativity is running =)

The Sinner

Music is cool =D

(part of the `Sinner`page)

(part of the `Guardian`page)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sketches are fun

Some stuff I still haven`t uploaded here, and just by the way, this color pic is the first page of my newest sketchbook. And it was done ages ago! There are also some pictures from the pages of that sketchbook.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I wrote short story in my head and then drew this pic. You can skip the story, if you wish. (: But this is Slenderman, and new way to think his legend. My way. Hope someone likes.

Kirjoitin lyhyttarinan päästäni ja sitten piirsin tämän kuvan. Tarinan voi skipata, jos haluaa. (:
Mutta kuvassa on SlenderMan, ja uusi tapa ajatella hänen legendaansa. Minun tapani.
Toivottavasti joku tykkää. 

Until you come, I wait for you.

This one has story for it. Slenderman fell in love with a person. Slendie was shy, and nice person every time this lovable thing came around. He was afraid to ask that person for date or to any kinds of meetings. But Slender had friends. Mr Pumpking and Noir the Shadow. They encouraged Slender and finally, after very long time Slender got to that person and asked one to date him. For surprise answer was "yes, I would like that."
  Slendie and person got date to meet, Valentines day. Sledie was happy as he could be. He bougth red roses for the date and also nice chocolate bot shaped as a heart, and wrote a letter where he confessed his feelings. At the day they were supposed to meet, Slendie went and waited.
  And He waited. And Waited...and Waited.
  Person never came. Not that day, not any day.
  Flowers rottened in Slendies hand and first sadness went to his mind, he was sad that the person had lied. Then came Anger. And the anger grew in him to be huge and full of bitter poison.
  He waited until chocolate went bad and his hands were numb and he could not feel hunger anymore. he had stood there so long that he forgot time. And he cursed himself by waiting love that never came. Darkness went over him and consumed his soul, took away his eyes that could not longer see anything else than anger, wiped away his mouth full of nasty words, stole his face and identity so he would not love anyone ever again and get hurt by abandonement.
  And his hands grew longer, and his back ripped apart when he got new ones, they grew like a tree in fruitful ground, from hate they grew, from revenge he got pale like snow that started to fall around him, icing not only the ground, but his very soul.
  He left to woods, disappearing there, living like empty shell, but still trying to find a friend, someone who would warm again his hateful soul.

 And every Valentine's day he went there, hiding behind brick barrier, bringing black roses to the very spot where he lost his humanity for love. Every year for 200 years.

 And one year, 2015, one person noticed the flowers.
  And wrote to wall the date he took the flowers. And a name.
  Other people noticed flowers too. But this one came back year but never saw anyone. But he felt presence. And ones thought that someone was in the woods, far away from street lights and all the cars, watching. And this person lifted his hand, and said hello, to very tall tree, not being sure why one did it. Just did.

  And Slendie walked to lights to person and asked "Are you the one who never came?"
  And person looked at him, not being afraid like so many had been every time Slendie came out of the woods. Person answered: "Would you want me to be?"
  Slender wondered for a moment, lifting his hand to his chest where he slightly remembered how beating of heart felt and said:" I have been..very very lonely."
  "No need to be anymore."
  Slendie gave flowers to person and faint smile appeared to white face of his.

No more flowers came to brick barrier.
  Person disappeared too.
  And sometimes, you could see very tall man, dressed in a clean and nice suit, or many kinds of this time's clothing, staring at people, wondering....

Are you also the one he has waited for? 

                                             (käännöstyö tulee joskus ilmaantumaan. Ehkä)

Sunday, September 8, 2013

One weekend having computer (:

Terve artisti ihmiset ja lukijat. <3 Olen palannut tuntemattomalta ja tutkimattomalta "minulla ei ole tietokonetta joten en voi postata mitään"-saarelta ja saapunut "Voi helvetti mulla on päättökokeet mutta myös tietokone ja on ihan pakko postata kamaa"-maailmaan. ;P

Otin kuvia joistakin taiteiluista jotan on tullut tehtyä tylsillä tunneilla. Pitäähän niilläkin tulla jotain tehtyä..
 Toivottavasti tykkäätte. (:

Nämä ovatkin sitten hahmoja kirjasta jota parhaillaan alan kirjoittamaan.
Sci-fiä ja fantasiaa.

Hello fellow artists and all readers. <3  I have came back from deserted islands of "not having computer and can't post anything" to "holy fuck I have Finals coming up but I have computer and must post stuff"-land, ;P

Took some pics from art I have done bored in class and wanting to do something.
Hope you like. (:

These are characters new book I am going to start to write. Some sci-fi fantasy stuff.

This fellow up here is Farim, my weirdo. Made with inking pens and derped last night when very tired. (:

Tää tyyppi sitten onkin Farim, meikäläisen sekopää. tehty mustekynällä ja meni vähän derppaillessa viime yönä kun väsytti perkeleesti. (:

These are my main characters Alon and Lily (I always change name of Alon to be Avon...=.=* Already forgot what the hell I was thinking with that name) But inking pen stuff these too. (:

Nämä ovat minun kirjani tärkeimpiä hahmoja. Alon ja Lily. (tosin Alonin nimi vaihtuu Avoniksi vähän väliä kun kirjoittaa nopeasti.. =.=* Unohin jo mitä helvettiä ajattelin ton nimen kanssa)
Mutta mustekynillä nämäkin. (: 

                                                      Aaand...random Japanese characters.
Ja randomeja japanilaisia hahmoja.

Some cyborgs from my story. Steampunk help to right one and some more futuristic touch to left one. I...wanted them to be better, but my inking skills do not work very well and this is first time I have never done cyborgs or anything new kinds of futuristic stuff..
Jotain kyborgeja siitä tarinasta. Steampunk auttoi oikeanpuoleisessa ja vähän futuristisuutta ton vasemman kanssa. Meikä halusi niistä parempia mutta en osaa vielä leikkiä mustekynillä iin hyvin ja tämä olikin sitten ensimmäinen kerta kun olen koskaan tehnyt kyborgeja tai mitään uutta futuristisuutta.

His name is Zero, btw. ;P

Tän nimi on Zero, btw. ;)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Only doodlings

I've done only little doodling today, and it's Lightning from FFXIII! Not very good ones but oh well. Even tried to do a chibi (up in the right corner) but I'm not very good at that. The Lightning under the chibi is pretty awful too. Rest of 'em are average.