Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Admins "daily" report #2

Dear followers and people who get lost to our blog (follow if you like our art, and comment, your own page adds are annoying, go away with them) I have announcement to make again.

We have decided to start bloggin on certain days to give you the best feels from our blog and lots of pictures, videos and poetry/stuff to you every week.

Here is our deal:

Tuesdays: Me Smudger, will provide you art, sometimes poetry, and everything random.

Thursdays: Casmation has taken over this day and is happy to show you videos from one's YouTube account, art and all awesome ideas.

Sundays: Our dear Keeki will send you her beautiful, funny and highly improved since they day we met, comics and doodles. (ROLEX! *inside joke* ;P )


 Have a happy Summer and keep reading!

Yours: Head admin, Smudger

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