Insomnia sucks.
But is also kind of cool because it boosts creativity. (my hand is hurting because I`ve been writing non-stop since 6 AM - Damn random-stories, you spin my world around!)
Very excited, it`s only two weeks until Tracon! I`ve got the full set for my cosplay attempt and it`s beginning to be hard to keep the hype down. I`ll be seeing a lot of my friends there and hopefully everyone will be having fun the whole weekend =)
But to doodles then; Here are some more doodles and stuff, the usual kind of stuff I do. Though now haven`t been drawing lately.
I recently finished playing Medievil 2 through once again, and now I`m going through Spyro the dragon.
Sister tells me she wants to research on my Vergil gameplay with DMC3 too and maybe try DMC1 again.
She also tries to hook me on trying Elder Scrolls Oblivion as well, but I might need more time with that one.
Still quite frustrated how I haven`t been able to be happy about the character I`ve created.
But yes, enough chiiba-chaaba.
Until next week again.
(In hopes my computer won`t die before that. Though I believe Smudger will be able to cover me if that is to happen)
Maalauksia, piirroksia, runoja, kirjoituksia... Vapaa ajan taiteilijoiden luomuksia. (Paintings, drawings, poems, writings... Creations of free time artists.)
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Caelitus Mihi Vires

Anyway, Castiel. In a suit and.. less in a suit.
I might color the other picture. MIGHT. I have bunch of other pictures from the old sketch book I haven't even posted yet..
Yeah, since I wrote so much to the last post and now few minutes later I'm out of words I'll keep this short.
I have few new videos again, too.
Feel free to check them out.
This one is just lyric video of a song I fell in love with.
It just sort of described perfectly how I have felt lately..
|| Hurts | Help ||
I often hear from people I know they wouldn't believe I listen that kind of music but yes, I like their other songs too.
(I mostly listen rock/alternative rock and I guess that's why people are so surprised..)
|| Assassin's Creed | Time ||
I usually don't work with only instrumental songs and that's why this.. didn't turn out to be so great as it could have.
Hans Zimmer is such amazing composer.
I might post something else too IF I get something done.
Angel of the Lord,
Assassin's creed,
Caelitus mihi vires,
Hans Zimmer,
Dominus Vobiscum

My forever problem - titles. So, little bit Latin for you then since I'm not far enough to write Enochian to you yet..
Matches the theme though.. Crosses and Rosary.
Could we go more religious?
Yes we could. Even might, I have few other crosses and rosaries in the making..
Why such topic? I don't know actually.. I just felt like it.
(I hope none of other bloggers mind...)
The cross in the rosary failed. It's nothing I wanted it to be and it bothers me a little.. However, it started to bother me AFTER I had inked it. Yay.
The bigger cross with red, sort of wannabe rubies on it turned out better than it looked as sketch.
I know I promised you the angel last week but.. I couldn't get it done. It's really painful to ink. Seriously. Horrible. I try for next week.
Also, I apologies the quality of these pictures once again..
Not. Good. At. All.
Deus vobiscum.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Cute Castiel
While drinking some cola, I drew this cutie. Cute, no?
(Castiel from SPN)
Still being fan of the show, even when not fan of it continuing to the eternity.
( :
Little bit inside joke, but enjoy.
And today's last post.
I have things to do..many things..and next week I might need to skip my turn because my "work/school" starts, and this week is crazy full of work and meeting people.
So, until next time (hopefully)!
Yours: Smudger
cute adorable,
And so he prayed..
Here is my desing of Devil's rosary.
Part of one very gloomy story.
Instead of praying Satan, the prayer goes to Mother of Sin.
Black and white picture, as you can see.
May all deadly sins favor you.
And Hell welcomes you with open arms, when it is your time,
I mean, unless you go to heaven. or Nirvana. or be born again.
Or something.
All religions welcome.
Yours: Smudger
Painting job
Here is something I did to clients wall for 6 hours. 2 cherry trees. Brown tree body, golden flowers and silver leaves.
It turned out okay..I watched it too much myself but I hope you like it. ( :
I made it as kinda "commercial" of my work, so I could get more clients.
I will ask more than 50 next time..for example when ladders are used. Standing in ladders for 5 hours can be quite murder to legs..and back. And neck.
Yours: Smudger
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Autumn sun
Gosh, my computer is buzzing annoyingly as I type this... It seems to be nearing its death I fear. Not soon I hope...
Autumn is here. I`ve found myself often walking in the chilly air under the cold sky at night.
Wonderous things I`ve seen, like all kinds of city animals; rabbits, a fox and even bats.
But now about drawing. Wanted to try some black and white styled stuff and even my sister says they look kind of creepy.
And then there are those dark angel doodles again and the last opening with some disturbing things. The freaky faces and a little blood are all because of a nasty demon possession. The nasty-little-demon kind of possession. (usually my demons are young handsome men but enough of that)
And that random picture of the crazy best friends, a little something to maybe brighten the other darker looking pieces.
Winter is on it`s way and I feel saddened that I have to bid farewell to the heartwarming sun light, until the coming spring...
Autumn is here. I`ve found myself often walking in the chilly air under the cold sky at night.
Wonderous things I`ve seen, like all kinds of city animals; rabbits, a fox and even bats.
But now about drawing. Wanted to try some black and white styled stuff and even my sister says they look kind of creepy.
And then there are those dark angel doodles again and the last opening with some disturbing things. The freaky faces and a little blood are all because of a nasty demon possession. The nasty-little-demon kind of possession. (usually my demons are young handsome men but enough of that)
And that random picture of the crazy best friends, a little something to maybe brighten the other darker looking pieces.
Winter is on it`s way and I feel saddened that I have to bid farewell to the heartwarming sun light, until the coming spring...
Thursday, August 21, 2014
All kinds of stuff

I'm in little bit of a hurry today.. So, few old drawings I found when digging through my drawers. They're from the time I still didn't own sketch book of any kind. The skull thing and tree.
Um.. Sorry, don't have much better to give this week.
Small panda and some Winchesters. Really quick inked little art. Also a angel I try to finish for next week.
I might edit this post when I have more time to do it..
Chevrolet Impala -67,
Chevy impala,
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Pokémon forever
Last..week or so..has gone to being sick on this end of computer world, so I havent drawn much. Instead, I have watched too much netflix and let it rotten by brain to useless sh*t.
What I watched? Pokémon with awful Finnish dub. And when I say awful, I mean it by heart.
So with..very high fever and lack of brainfunction, I also drew pokémon. Porn. But because we are good people, I do not post that picture my very well cooked brain created about Ash and that one gym leader who has green hair and reminds me of roosters..but something I drew today. ( :
Straigh from my childhood: Misty!
(With bigger rack. Sorry. Pervertness is very deep..very very deep in)
yours: Smudger
Sunday, August 17, 2014
It jumped me again!
...The posting day, that is. But yeah, here it is =)
This time with women-only.
Some pose study and the usual random doodles out of curiosity. It seems I`m still able to draw women too.
These girls aren`t wearing much (despite me usually not liking it when a woman isn`t wearing much) because of none other reason than body study.
So enjoy now that you can, I usually draw girls wearing more clothes, if it`s not a beach issue, that is ;)
This time with women-only.
Some pose study and the usual random doodles out of curiosity. It seems I`m still able to draw women too.
These girls aren`t wearing much (despite me usually not liking it when a woman isn`t wearing much) because of none other reason than body study.
So enjoy now that you can, I usually draw girls wearing more clothes, if it`s not a beach issue, that is ;)

body study,
pose study,
pretty girls,
pretty girls not wearing much,
woman anatomy study,
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Robin Williams
R.I.P Robin Williams.
The actor passed away this Monday.
He hung himself with a belt..
He was great actor, I have seen many of his movies and liked all of them.
This is trying to be some kind of a tribute to him even though it's not one of my best drawings..
I'm not good with lettering at all but I hope no-one would point it out too much..
Rest in Peace
I'll link the model pictures below
The actor passed away this Monday.
He hung himself with a belt..
He was great actor, I have seen many of his movies and liked all of them.
This is trying to be some kind of a tribute to him even though it's not one of my best drawings..
I'm not good with lettering at all but I hope no-one would point it out too much..
Rest in Peace
I'll link the model pictures below
Pink Panther
Still 45 minutes left of this day!
Pink Panther. I watched Family Guy on the other day and Brian got colored pink and Pink Panther walked pass him saying "Welcome to Hell."
So, I loved this show when I was younger.
I've probably seen them all so, thought I'd do something. This didn't take much time.. Maybe 30 minutes. Seriously. Well, you can see the coloring isn't the best of all..
Pink Panther. I watched Family Guy on the other day and Brian got colored pink and Pink Panther walked pass him saying "Welcome to Hell."
So, I loved this show when I was younger.
I've probably seen them all so, thought I'd do something. This didn't take much time.. Maybe 30 minutes. Seriously. Well, you can see the coloring isn't the best of all..
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Bad day to be posting
I am deeply humbly sorry, everyone.
I am very sick right now, from throat, it and I probably have it right now.
And I have been sick for an about a week. Running in hospitals, trying to get medicine of any kind..
So because of pain, and lack of sleeping, I havent drawn anything postable.
Next week, I will post again..
But I just got my medicine today, so no hope that I would in this condition try to work something out.
But I shall heal.
But I shall heal.
Yours: Smudger
Saturday, August 9, 2014
What do we have here...?
An actual color picture! Yes! Got into the mood and even dared to use my precious watercolor paper (which was mostly refunded by Smudger, so big thanks and applauds for that.)
And what would life be without the usual doodles?
This time some more uh... Guys with... Some more guys... Excuse me for the quite undetermined content.
Not that it really bothers me.
I had crazy fun with the beards XD When drawing, I just had to stop and laugh at them because they looked so hilarious!!! So going to keep them when they get older...
Oh, and some more Spamano! ( And Italy)
And what would life be without the usual doodles?
This time some more uh... Guys with... Some more guys... Excuse me for the quite undetermined content.
Not that it really bothers me.
I had crazy fun with the beards XD When drawing, I just had to stop and laugh at them because they looked so hilarious!!! So going to keep them when they get older...
Oh, and some more Spamano! ( And Italy)
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Them beards and staches, I just can`t XD |
boys love,
funky beards,
guys with guys,
some more guys with guys,
undetermined content,
water colour painting
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Last week I told myself "Next time I will post something great, some nice art, 2-3 pictures!"
Well, obviously, as you can see that's not the case.
I feel like I got barely anything done.
Some color practice with Arno Dorian.
He's the protagonist of up coming Assassin's Creed Unity game.
(Can't wait for it!!)
And tiny tiny picture of Aiden from Watch_Dogs because it felt stupid to just post one picture.
Reason why it's tiny is because it sucks. A lot.
And it's not even ready. Might practice coloring with it too..
Arno isn't so great either.
Now that I watch the picture on computer screen I noticed you barely can see the shadows of the face. Which, by the way, look pretty good on a paper.
Few video links again.
This one you definitely want to listen - Salty Seas - by Devics
I like the song. It's sad, but it's good.
It was in the end of the The Walking Dead game season2 episode 4.
Even if you don't know the game or you haven't played it/or just the episode I bet you'll like the song.
Second one is Assassin's Creed fan video again. You can check it out if you want.
|| Assassin's Creed | Who We Are ||
You're always welcome to follow our blog and my YouTube Channel if you like the material.
AC unity,
Aiden Pearce,
Arno Dorian,
Assassin's creed,
color practice,
Imagine Dragons,
The walking dead,
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Admin appears
So here is
picture I made to show you guys what kinda chubby wobbly whale lives on this side of the screen.
Me. Smudger.
Also known with multiple other names. Brother likes to call me couch-as the thing you sit on because when we were young, and he was stupid..he kept on sitting on me.
Still 10 minutes left of my posting day and here is what I cooked in 2 hours after murdering heat!!
Yours: Smudger
(Enjoying is volunteerly)
(I also edited the picture because it was fun)
Until next time..
Peace out.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Last of summer
Well not really for me I think, but for my sister.
Visited home-home this weekend and actually enjoyed my time there =)
The weather was nice, I had good food to eat and a lot of kitties to pet!!! Oh, and those two dorky dogs we still have. All the animals were as hilarious as ever.
Even drew a little, but I`m still posting my stacked-up images that are a few weeks old, so you`ll have to wait to see them eventually. Nothing that awesome though. Mind-blowing is just not my thing, I simply do what I want. Freedom is the thing I love in this medium.
Men once again (And a girl), but I can reveal I have been drawing women too recently. They will not be on the next post but maybe on the one after the next one.

Visited home-home this weekend and actually enjoyed my time there =)
The weather was nice, I had good food to eat and a lot of kitties to pet!!! Oh, and those two dorky dogs we still have. All the animals were as hilarious as ever.
Even drew a little, but I`m still posting my stacked-up images that are a few weeks old, so you`ll have to wait to see them eventually. Nothing that awesome though. Mind-blowing is just not my thing, I simply do what I want. Freedom is the thing I love in this medium.
Men once again (And a girl), but I can reveal I have been drawing women too recently. They will not be on the next post but maybe on the one after the next one.

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Dun dun duun, Keeki does color page practice! |
ballpoint pencil sketch,
boys love,
color page,
color sketch,
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