Showing posts with label bodyart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bodyart. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

PS3 Controller

Topic says it all.
My girl had an idea of having PS3 controller tattoo one day to her hand (very tiny one, like 10x10 or something) so I decided to make one to her, with bodypaints I have.
Size, that wanted..about 10x10 or bit more, to her arm.

First I made one on right (or it second try, first one was mightly deformed and had to be destroyed) and then I gave it some decorations. (:

If you like my bodypainting art, please comment and maybe give me some more ideas!
I might start doing bigger things, when I just get more paints, they are super expensive and I am pretty poor.


Yours: Smudger

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Animal bodypaint

At the moment I am in facepainting job in local market in Padasjoki, FIN. And here is what I trained to paint when flow of kids turned from river to dry season. (:

Yours: Smudger.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Body paints and some fun. (:

Bodypainttingia ja vähän hauskaa. (:

Joskus tulee bodypaintattua (yleensä lastenjuttuja, naamaan ja sellasta. Ihan hyvä palkka)
Ja tässä ois jotain mitä tuli maalattua kullan nahkaan. ;P
I do body painting sometimes, (mostly at children things, to cheecks and stuff, get paid nicely)
And here is something I painted for my darling. ;P

Hope you like. 

Toivottavasti tykkäätte.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Kesän jalka "tatuonti" /Summer feet "tattoo"

Koska kuvat löytyivät, päätän tässä dikattorimaisesti pistää tänne hienon taideteoksen jonka väsäsin ystääväni C-C:n jalkaan pari kesää sitten. (:

Nauttikaa kauniista pohkeesta ja ehkä siihen väsästystä taisteestakin. :DD

Because I found these pictures, I decide as dictator to put these nice artworks here (which I made to my friend C-C's leg few summers ago) (:

Enjoy beautiful calf and maybe that art too :DD

Kesällä saattaa tylsistyä. kesäloma lähestyy ja katsotaan paljonko meikäläinen saa aikaiseksi!
Jo riittää vanhojen juttujen lähettely ja voisi olla aika postata uutta. (:

Jos blogi saa lukijoita, saa pistää kommenttia ja ideoita mitä kannattaa väsätä. JA ILMAN TIME-limittiä. Meikä on laiska kun laskiainen. Ja kiireellinen kun zeepra. ;P

Sometimes at summer one might get bored, summertime is coming and let's see how much I can do!
Enough of old art now, time to make new and post that too. (:

If blog gets readers, you can comment and ideas when we/me should do. And WITHOUT time limit. I am more lazy than sloth. And more busy than zabra. ;P