Thursday, August 29, 2013

My first zombie,(or zombie head but all the same..) ever. Really. It turned out pretty nicely.
Inspired by The Walking Dead and The Last of Us.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Tess from The Last of Us game, one of the best games ever.
Seriously. Tess - if you wish to read more about her. Shortly I can tell that she got bit by a runner while smuggling Ellie to Boston (with Joel.)
She can stay behind and buy them time to escape and states that she "will not turn into one of those things."As Joel and Ellie make their escape they hear Tess scream as she gets shot when she is inevitably overwhelmed by the soldiers' gunfire. Before her death she managed to kill two of the soldiers.

(I screwed the other eye of hers as you can see, please don't be too harsh on me!)

Rick Grimes from AMC's epic series The Walking Dead,  portrayed by Andrew Lincoln.
There's so much I could tell you about this series I won't do it so, if I suggest you do read from wikipedia or AMC's official site for more information if you wanna.

More pop art! Yay!

First we have Tom Cruise (Top Gun, Mission: Impossible 1-4, Minority Report,
    The Last Samurai, Oblivion)

And then Christian Bale (American Psycho, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Fighter,
The Dark Knight Rises)


Daniel Craig as a 007,  I personally think he's the best Bond so far, or well to be honest I only like the 3 newest movies (Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, Skyfall)
Also, I'm pretty aware that I'm probably only artist in this blog who actually "likes" James Bond, so I hope others won't hate coz posting this here.
Oh I've another thing to apologize and that's the quality of this picture.


OK folks, here's the thing. I'll post all my shit today (or at least those I've made very recently).
I've been fucking lazy with sharing my stuff, probably coz I'm sick. Still am. SUCKS. I mean it.
Anyhow, I'll try to post stuff more regularly, not randomly in middle of the week everything in one package. (Sorry)
Now little warning, I've done mostly pop art lately(they're only black and white!), some might not consider it as "real" art, but, hey, that's what I do and I'm pretty good at it. And it's not even very easy, just saying.

Now you're probably wondering what these 2 things have anything to do with each other? Well, not much. It's a ship and a hand skull in it.  Only thing what they've common is that I made them last week. Got nothing else to say 'bout 'em.

Monday, August 26, 2013

(Just to inform all, I have now translated all my old writings as well.)

In English from now on... (tästä lähin Englanniksi...)

Hello everyone! Keeki here. So we are now posting comments in English and I will begin to do so too from now on (I`ll probably translate my older texts some time in the future as well.)

Hei kaikki! Keeki täällä. Aloimme siis postaamaan kommentteja Englanniksi joten ajattelin itsekkin tehdä niin tästä läin. (käännän varmaan vanhemmat tekstit jossain välissä Englanniksi myös)

Just began my (Unofficial) studies of comics and animation today, so excited yet tired :) Can`t wait until we begin for real! Maybe then I`ll have more to post here, but we`ll see, we`ll see...
Got this crazy idea yesterday and randomly had the urge to create something, so here`s what I made; Paperchildren and even in colours! These are my newest characters for a random short-story. I might actually draw this one in near future, maybe even today.

Aloin tänään (epävirallisen) sarjakuva- ja animaatiokoulun tänään. Jännää, vaikkakin väsyttää. :)
Ei jaksaisi odottaa että tunnit alkavat kunnolla! Ehkä silloin alkaa olla enemmän postattavaakin, we'll see, we'll see..
Sain tämän hullun idean eilen ja randomisti tuli pakko tehdä jotain, joten tässä on mitä tein: Paperilapsia jopa väritettyinä! Nämä ovat minun uusimmat hahmoni randomiin lyhyt.tarinaan. Saatan jopa oikeasti piirtää sen lyhyt-tarinan lähitulevaisuudessa, ehkä jopa tänään. 

I draw a lot of pictures with a ballpoint pen and I was wondering if anyone wanted to see (some) of them? They`re all rough-sketches as I like to call them, but they`re quite clean and I might be able to get good pictures of them...
For now, enjoy the art:

Minä piittän paljon kuulakärkikynällä ja mietin tässä joskokukaan haluaisi nähdä niitä? Ne ovat kaikki aika raakaluonnoksia, kuten kutsun niitä, mutta ne ei ole kovin hyviä ja niistä on aika vaikea ottaa kuvia..
Mutta, nyt, nauttikaa taisteesta: 

These pieces are quite small. About 8-9 cm. They were drawn with colourpencils and coloured with watercolours. Outline with a gel pen.
(nämä kuvat ovat aika pieniä. Noin 8-9 cm. Piirsin ne värikynillä ja väritin vesiväreillä. Ulkoviiva geelikynällä.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New ruler in kingdom!

  So I finally came part of this too and got the invitation....FOOLS! >:D
    Ok guys there's new Queen in town! Thus I promise to threaten, abduct, torture, bribe, tickle and whip any lazy artist to shape.
   Of course I take no responsibility if results don't happen ( it also might mean the artists have bribed me. ) My own laziness shall not be noted or commented on for I am not artist. I am maker of awesome stuff and awesome stuff take time. Also it's not smart because I have ninjas everywhere. ( jub. even in your closet..... Don't look they are shy)
  With all my rules stated clear above I now have only one order for you...
LOVE ME.  :3
                                                                                                                 (....or off with you'r head!)

P.S I demand that something is done to the look of our blog. One ugly mother ****** if you ask offense whoever picked this one :D
Some Assassin's creed for the afternoon.
Simply just combined all assassin's (Altair, Ezio, Connor, Desmond)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Ah, tonight instead of posting art I'll give you a link to a song what is stuck in my head. Really. It's beautiful song, performed in Gaelic. This video has both, English and Gaelic lyrics.

I hope you'll like as much as I do.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hi folks. As you might have noticed I haven't posted anything for few days, well that's 'cause I'm having a artist block right now. Hopefully it'll pass soon.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hey guys! (:

Terve kaverit! (:
I could not sleep thanks to my nightmares (I am going back to sleep in moment), so I translated my "Poetry book" on side page.
If you like abstract poetry and some messed up pictures, go ahead and read.

En oikeen pystynyt nukumaan koska painajaiset (menen ihan just takasin nukkumaan) joten käänsin Englanniksi meikäläisen Runokirjan toiselle sivulle.
Jos pidätte vapaamuotoisesta runollisuudesta ja jännistä kuvista, mene sivupalkkiin ja lue ihmeessä. 

Here little something I painted on my darlings skin. ;P
I'll add other one's when darling sends them to me. 

Ja tässä taas jotain pientä mitä maalailin kullan iholle. ;P
Lisään toisen kohan kulta saa sen lähetettyä. 

PS: My computer wire is broken. Sucks. This is super hard to use because computer does not load much and it tries to shut itself down.

PS: Mun tietokoneen johto on rikki. Perseestä. Alkaa olla aika vaikeaa käyttää tietokonetta joka ei lataa kunnolla ja koettaa koko ajan sulkea itsensä..

PPS: I'll right away add translations to old writings.

PPS: Lisään Englanninkieliset käännökset vanhoihin kirjoituksiin.

We've made some updates so you folks who don't understand Finnish could read our blog and enjoy our art. Unfortunately, poems and such are not in English and we might not translate them. Still if you're interested of in something what's in Finnish, please contact our admins and some of us will try to translate or explain things to you the best we can!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Some Final Fantasy

So, here's Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII (13),
Some line art, I might color later. I had a model for this one and I'll post it too.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


Something I've been doing for few weeks. Not every day but overall at least 10 hours. Now, I'd been so proud of this if I wouldn't have fucked up few spots in there. Everybody, probably, can tell what parts are ruined.
Even so there it is for you guys to see. (:

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Something inspired by InFamous, Cole and just game name with tattooish touch in it.

 So more stuff, some silhouette kind female figures. Can't remember what gave me inspiration to these but here they are.

Gotta apologize the quality tho...

Bald Eagle

Something I made today, on slightly boring and extremely rainy day. It, unfortunately, didn't turn out the way I wanted. The most I hate the back of the eagle's head but since I don't know how to fix it, it'll keep looking like that.:P

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Okay, so here's something I did in the summer time. Tell me what you think.
Hi guys. I'm the new "artist" here. I'll be posting lots of stuff, more or less good drawings/sketches.
Be prepared. (; Hopefully even some of you'll like.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Summer is gone

Ja kesä on ohi taas... (And the summer is over once again...)

Hei kaikki! emmepä ole kauheasti täällä käyneet sitten toukokuun. Ystäväni tietokone ongelmat estävät häntä päivittelemästä ja itse nautin vain kesästä. Mutta nyt kesä onkin jo ohi ja koulu jatkuu... Sain koko "StoryBook I":n (miltei) täytettyä. suurin osa kuvista tosin ovat vielä lyijykynä versioita joten hommaa riittää. Sillä välin aloitan jo toisen sketchbookin ja jätän edellisen niille päiville kun kaipaa tussaamista tai vesivärejä.
Kesällä piirsin ahkerasti, mutta uudet ihanat pelit veivät myös runsaasti huomiotani. Ehkä postaan niistä fanarttia jossain välissä?
Kumminkin, tässä hieman kesän menekkiä ja uuden kirjan aloitussivu:

Hey everyone! We haven`t been here much since May. My friends` computer-problems keep him from updating and I myself have been enjoying summer. But now summer is over and the school continues... I filled the whole "StoryBook I" (Almost) during the summer. Tough most of the pictures are still in the pencil-sketch form, meaning there`s a lot of work to be done. At the mean time I already began yet another sketchbook leaving the old one for the days when I feel like inking or watercolouring something. I was very busy with drawing the whole summer, but all the new, wonderful games took my attention as well. Maybe I`ll post some fanart of them some day?
Anyway, here`s some of the work I did during the summer with the opening page of the new sketchbook.

(Uuden sketchbookin avauskuva)
(Opening page of the new sketchbook)