Thursday, September 26, 2013

My little one..

This is for my little one who hopefully will find her place in her new family.
You'll always have a spot in my heart. 
Missing you. <3

Because I like dragons.

So some dragons today. I've actually made these for several days... I know. I'm slow.
Finished the biggest one last night. Thank god, it was about to time to get these done and posted. Inspired by Skyrim. I just LOVE dragons.

 So, first we got simply just a dragons eye.
I dunno why.. I'm not sure is is recognizable so mentioning might be good..
Then we got a dragon head, it doesn't look exactly like I wanted..
And the third one is fire breathing dragon! I hope you like them. Comment and such..

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Posting stuff to blog almost at 4am possibly ain't the most sensible thing you could do at night.
But I'm gonna do it anyway.

Some pretty old stuff for your joy.
Iron man or the skull thing ain't even ready but I don't think that day will ever rise I'd actually finish them.
So.. Some oldies here, enjoy.

Monday, September 23, 2013

About school projects

Hey everyone! I just finished creating a separate page for my school projects! It`s among the other project pages in our blog so it`s simple to access.

Please check it out for more art! ;D

...I even translated  my work for you ,so they can be read sort of. :)

Asiaa kouluprojekteista
Terve kaikki! Sain juuri tehtyä erillisen sivun kouluprojekteilleni! Se on muiden projektisivujen jatkona blogissamme joten sinne on helppo mennä.

Olkaa hyvät ja käykää katsomassa lisää arttia! ;D

..jopa käänsin työni Englanniksi, joten ne voi lukea, tavallaan. :) 

The other killer whale I mentioned earlier.
I might try to color it on some point.

Killer whale. Finished it yesterday evening. Finally..
I have another killer whale coming soon.
(Just in case somebody likes them.)
I guess there's nothing much to say about it.

Saturday, September 21, 2013



Another post from me today! This is Smudger's cyborg character. I read the prologue of his story and got very inspired. I love it :3

Päivän toinen postaus! Tässä on Smudgerin kyborgi hahmo. Luin hänen tarinastaan prologin ja se inspiroi piirtämään. Rakastan sitä. ;3

Late night request

 Myöhäisen illan pyyntö

Here is a request picture of Hetalia - Tyrkey for Smudger! I`m so glad he let me borrow his watercolur set, the colours are awesome thanks to that. I have to buy a set like that to myself in the future...
I think the picture is OK, because I did it when I was quite tired... It could have been better(?) I think...
My mind is lagging due to sleep deprivation...
I think there will be more Hetalia fanart to come, now since I`ve got a taste of it :D
...I`ll begin my second school project today, and I`ll probably post the new work here when I`m finished.

Tässä olisi kuva jonka piirtämistä pyysi Smudger. Hetalian Turkki hänelle! Olen todella onnellinen että hän antoi minun lainata vesivärejään, kuvan värit ovat todella hienot, kiitos hänen.
Pitää ostaa samanlaiset värit jossain tulevaisuudessa..
Minusta kuva on OK, vaikka teinkin sen väsyneenä...Se olisi voinut olla parempikin(?), luulisin..
Pää lagaa kun en ole nukkunut tarpeeksi pitkään aikaan..
Minusta tuntuu että teen lisää Hetalia fanarttia, kun sain siihen mukavaa tuntumaa. :D
...Aloitan toisen kouluprojektini tänään, ja varmaankin postaan uuden työn heti kun saan sen valmiiksi.

Enjoy for now! :)

Nauttikaa nyt! :)

Friday, September 20, 2013


All for pictures from beginning to end.
There's a (electric) guitar and someone who plays it, or more likely their hand.

Um.. Started it yesterday, can't remember the time, and finished it about 10 minutes ago.
Took long enough to make it but I guess it was worth it.
I pretty pleased with it but.. the neck is something that didn't came out the way I wanted.

At this point it was almost midnight so I let it be in case I'd fuck it up bcoz being too tired.

This far I had got earlier today. Around 4-5pm.

And this is the final picture.

Too lazy to tell anything about it.
You can see it all.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Kanji - Music

Probably last post for today.. Or few days.
Just about to update my iPhone to new iOS7 software.
I got hopes pretty much up with it.. but since my phone it's only device I can take pictures and if this new soft fucks the camera (and I'm not able to get it back to ios6) I can't post anything. That would suck but I'm taking the risk.

SO. About those characters.
It means music.
The word is pronounced "yīnyuè".
(Or so every possible site I've been to keeps telling me.. And because I checked more than 5 sites they must be right.)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Shirtless Skater

So.. Shirtless GIRL skater. ;P
Hope it's not too "naked" for this blog..
I don't mind but others might.

Don't fall asleep..

Älä nukahda..

Tässä on Slenderman jonka kaikki tuntevat lapsia nappaavana, painajaisten antajana, stalkkerina ja olentona joka kuljeskelee ympäri maailman metiköitä, varastaen niiden mieliä jotka ovat tarpeeksi tyhmiä uskoakseen häneen, laittaen heidät näkemään kammottavia asioita heidän mieliinsä ennenkuin ottaa heidät omikseen, vieden heidät sinne mistä kukaan ei koskaan heitä enää löydä.. 

Nimesin kuvan:

STAGE 2: Painajaisista hän tulee 

Here is Slenderman everyone knows as child kidnapper, nightmare giver, stalked and thing that wanders in the woods of the world, taking over minds of those who believe in him, making them see horrible things in their head before consuming them, taking them with him to somewhere nobody finds them anymore..

 I named it:

STAGE 2: In nightmares he comes.

This makes me want to do some poetry about him..
Let's see...

In darkness he walks
dressed in black
from nightmares he whispers
there's no turning back
when fear consumes you
when you are alone
don't fall asleep
or there he comes.

Haha. Hope you like little riddle's. (:

Ja koska olen runohörhö tein runon..ensin Englanniksi joten tämä on sitten käännös.
Vapaamuotoinen käännös.

Pimeydessä hän kulkee
mustaan pukeutuen
painajaisista hän kuiskaa
takaisin ei ole paluuta
kun pelko valtaa mielen
kun olet yksin
älä nukahda
sillä siltä hän tulee.

Ei ole kovin iskevä suomeksi..mutta toivottavasti joku pitä. (:


Chinese Dragon

Chinese dragon, sketched and inked today.
And yes, the Chinese character means "dragon". I've done my homework.

(I do not speak Chinese at all.)


I wrote short story in my head and then drew this pic. You can skip the story, if you wish. (: But this is Slenderman, and new way to think his legend. My way. Hope someone likes.

Kirjoitin lyhyttarinan päästäni ja sitten piirsin tämän kuvan. Tarinan voi skipata, jos haluaa. (:
Mutta kuvassa on SlenderMan, ja uusi tapa ajatella hänen legendaansa. Minun tapani.
Toivottavasti joku tykkää. 

Until you come, I wait for you.

This one has story for it. Slenderman fell in love with a person. Slendie was shy, and nice person every time this lovable thing came around. He was afraid to ask that person for date or to any kinds of meetings. But Slender had friends. Mr Pumpking and Noir the Shadow. They encouraged Slender and finally, after very long time Slender got to that person and asked one to date him. For surprise answer was "yes, I would like that."
  Slendie and person got date to meet, Valentines day. Sledie was happy as he could be. He bougth red roses for the date and also nice chocolate bot shaped as a heart, and wrote a letter where he confessed his feelings. At the day they were supposed to meet, Slendie went and waited.
  And He waited. And Waited...and Waited.
  Person never came. Not that day, not any day.
  Flowers rottened in Slendies hand and first sadness went to his mind, he was sad that the person had lied. Then came Anger. And the anger grew in him to be huge and full of bitter poison.
  He waited until chocolate went bad and his hands were numb and he could not feel hunger anymore. he had stood there so long that he forgot time. And he cursed himself by waiting love that never came. Darkness went over him and consumed his soul, took away his eyes that could not longer see anything else than anger, wiped away his mouth full of nasty words, stole his face and identity so he would not love anyone ever again and get hurt by abandonement.
  And his hands grew longer, and his back ripped apart when he got new ones, they grew like a tree in fruitful ground, from hate they grew, from revenge he got pale like snow that started to fall around him, icing not only the ground, but his very soul.
  He left to woods, disappearing there, living like empty shell, but still trying to find a friend, someone who would warm again his hateful soul.

 And every Valentine's day he went there, hiding behind brick barrier, bringing black roses to the very spot where he lost his humanity for love. Every year for 200 years.

 And one year, 2015, one person noticed the flowers.
  And wrote to wall the date he took the flowers. And a name.
  Other people noticed flowers too. But this one came back year but never saw anyone. But he felt presence. And ones thought that someone was in the woods, far away from street lights and all the cars, watching. And this person lifted his hand, and said hello, to very tall tree, not being sure why one did it. Just did.

  And Slendie walked to lights to person and asked "Are you the one who never came?"
  And person looked at him, not being afraid like so many had been every time Slendie came out of the woods. Person answered: "Would you want me to be?"
  Slender wondered for a moment, lifting his hand to his chest where he slightly remembered how beating of heart felt and said:" I have been..very very lonely."
  "No need to be anymore."
  Slendie gave flowers to person and faint smile appeared to white face of his.

No more flowers came to brick barrier.
  Person disappeared too.
  And sometimes, you could see very tall man, dressed in a clean and nice suit, or many kinds of this time's clothing, staring at people, wondering....

Are you also the one he has waited for? 

                                             (käännöstyö tulee joskus ilmaantumaan. Ehkä)

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Secret place

Important tests ahead, but still daydreaming...

Tärkeitä kokeita edessä, mutta silti päiväunelmissa..

I drew these two pictures today. Had an inspiration to do something in colours again, and this is what I got!
The one with the lake-backround surprised even myself, it came out nicely. Simply love it XD
I began this picture during my `History of films`class ( sorry mr. teacher!) and just finished it on my desk at home. Haven`t been updating anything in awhile, so thought it`s about time already.

Piirsin nämä kuvat tänään. Oli inspiraatio tehdä jotain värikästä taas, joten tässä on se mitä tuli tehtyä!
Järvimaisemallinen kuva yllätti minutkin, siitä tuli niin hieno. Aivan ihana. xD
Aloitin kuvan Elokuvahistorian tunnilla (Sori sensei!) ja viimeistelin omalla työpöydällä kotona. ja koska en ole lisännyt mitään tänne vähään aikaan, ajattelin että olisi sen aika. 

These two characters are going to be a part of my school project once we begin. You might recognize them as two of the paperchildren I posted ages ago =)
I shouldn`t be daydreaming this much since I`m not out of the cold yet... Still one very important test ahead, and I may start as a full time animation- and comics student!!!
Until the next post I give, bye, and enjoy!

Nämä kaksi hahmoa tulevat olemaan ose kouluprojektiani heti kun sen tekeminen vain aloitetaan.  Saatette tunnistaa heidät aikasemmasta paperilapset-postauksesta. =)
En saisi päiväunelmoida koska vielä on paljon tehtävää...vielä on todella tärkeä testi edessä, ja saatan alkaa täysipäiväisenä animaatio-ja sarjakuvalinjalaisena!!! 
Kunnes jälleen tapaamme, näkemisiin ja nauttikaa!
A4, ordinary colour pencils, gel pen. My little prince and his hero-to-be
(A4, tavallisilla värikynillä ja geelikynällä. Minun pikku prinssini ja pian-oleva-sankari)

A5, ordinary colour pencils. It was supposed to be the girl-version of this character, but might pass by as the guy-version too...
(A5, tavallisilla värikynillä tehty. Tästä piti tulla hahmon tyttö-versio, mutta saattaa olla niin että on samalla myös poikaversio...)


Keep it clean guys. No commenting in mean way here.

If you want to actually read our blog, read it, if not, then go to hell.
Starting to read is pretty easy, find out how, start reading and show us who you are.

Anon comments that have anything abusive in them, will be deleted (as soon as noticed).

And everything nice, lollipops and rainbows to our nice readers. (:

Thank you. 

Pitäkää keskustelut ja kommentit kiltteinä. Ei vittuilua täällä.

Jos haluatte todella lukea tätä blogia, seuraa sitä, ja jos et, niin painu perseeseen.
Seuraaminen on aika helppoa, ota selvää siitä miten seurataan, ala seuraamaan ja näytä meille kuka olet.

Anonyymit kommentit joissa on mitään vittumaista niissä, deletoidaan (heti kun ne huomataan).

Ja kaikkea kivaa, sateenkaaria ja tikkareita ihanille seuraajille. (:


Monday, September 16, 2013

Because of recent events, last pieces of my confidence have been lost. That means.. I won't be (probably) drawing or posting until I've regained 'em. That can, or more likely, will take long.

So without further ado.. goodbye for now.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Absolutely one of my fav pictures in my new sketchbook.
I started it.. maybe about a month ago and this is the first page in it.

Yea, I really don't do cool first pages there, I just draw what I want.
I've a need to "spit" stuff outta my head on the paper so I really don't plan and design my sketchbooks.
Not sure if that's good or bad.. Nor should I start to do it...

Anyway, I wasn't going to post this at first, but I changed my mind.
I hope I won't regret this.

I know it's bit gloomy themed and that's exactly why I thought not posting it..
I've much more darker stuff in my sketchbooks, tho, but you won't be seeing them.
Unless someone can really persuade me. (Not going to be easy..)
Anyway, I think my fellow bloggers want to keep this as much "happy" blog as possible and all of my art won't be even near of that description.
Turkish/Arab style male assassin.
Inspired by Assassin's creed.
Inked it ready last night, fucked it in few parts but was just too lazy to care on that moment.

It's not perfect as said, many flaws can be seen.
The flowers, assassin symbol, this guys hands,
it could have been more detailed etc.

I don't think I will color it. Ever, so nobody please request such thing.

Demon and Angel

Demon and Angel, or they're trying to be. The coloring in both is bit rough (in the blue one seen better) but I guess I could "blame" pens and paper for that. The pens started to break the paper and color go through it so I decided to leave them like that.
It's slightly annoying, I know. But just try to ignore it.

The Rock

 So here's Dwayne Johnson someone requested weeks ago.
I personally prefer the lower one but I'm happy if even 1 of 'em would please that someone.
I must apologize that it took so long to do these, but as said earlier I was very sick.
Now, anyway, I don't have much to say about these.. They weren't easy. I've done lot simpler popart and so far he has been the most challenging one.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back in the Game.

I was very sick last weekend and start of this week but I'm recovering now. Sloowly. But I will.
(my aching tooth is not counted to this.. I shall go to dentist when I got guts enough to do so.. Or if it starts to hurt real bad.....)
Anyway, I've got my inspiration and strength back so you'll be seeing lots of things soon.
For example The Rock someone requested weeks ago! And some other more and less little art work I've been doing/trying to do.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Body paints and some fun. (:

Bodypainttingia ja vähän hauskaa. (:

Joskus tulee bodypaintattua (yleensä lastenjuttuja, naamaan ja sellasta. Ihan hyvä palkka)
Ja tässä ois jotain mitä tuli maalattua kullan nahkaan. ;P
I do body painting sometimes, (mostly at children things, to cheecks and stuff, get paid nicely)
And here is something I painted for my darling. ;P

Hope you like. 

Toivottavasti tykkäätte.

One weekend having computer (:

Terve artisti ihmiset ja lukijat. <3 Olen palannut tuntemattomalta ja tutkimattomalta "minulla ei ole tietokonetta joten en voi postata mitään"-saarelta ja saapunut "Voi helvetti mulla on päättökokeet mutta myös tietokone ja on ihan pakko postata kamaa"-maailmaan. ;P

Otin kuvia joistakin taiteiluista jotan on tullut tehtyä tylsillä tunneilla. Pitäähän niilläkin tulla jotain tehtyä..
 Toivottavasti tykkäätte. (:

Nämä ovatkin sitten hahmoja kirjasta jota parhaillaan alan kirjoittamaan.
Sci-fiä ja fantasiaa.

Hello fellow artists and all readers. <3  I have came back from deserted islands of "not having computer and can't post anything" to "holy fuck I have Finals coming up but I have computer and must post stuff"-land, ;P

Took some pics from art I have done bored in class and wanting to do something.
Hope you like. (:

These are characters new book I am going to start to write. Some sci-fi fantasy stuff.

This fellow up here is Farim, my weirdo. Made with inking pens and derped last night when very tired. (:

Tää tyyppi sitten onkin Farim, meikäläisen sekopää. tehty mustekynällä ja meni vähän derppaillessa viime yönä kun väsytti perkeleesti. (:

These are my main characters Alon and Lily (I always change name of Alon to be Avon...=.=* Already forgot what the hell I was thinking with that name) But inking pen stuff these too. (:

Nämä ovat minun kirjani tärkeimpiä hahmoja. Alon ja Lily. (tosin Alonin nimi vaihtuu Avoniksi vähän väliä kun kirjoittaa nopeasti.. =.=* Unohin jo mitä helvettiä ajattelin ton nimen kanssa)
Mutta mustekynillä nämäkin. (: 

                                                      Aaand...random Japanese characters.
Ja randomeja japanilaisia hahmoja.

Some cyborgs from my story. Steampunk help to right one and some more futuristic touch to left one. I...wanted them to be better, but my inking skills do not work very well and this is first time I have never done cyborgs or anything new kinds of futuristic stuff..
Jotain kyborgeja siitä tarinasta. Steampunk auttoi oikeanpuoleisessa ja vähän futuristisuutta ton vasemman kanssa. Meikä halusi niistä parempia mutta en osaa vielä leikkiä mustekynillä iin hyvin ja tämä olikin sitten ensimmäinen kerta kun olen koskaan tehnyt kyborgeja tai mitään uutta futuristisuutta.

His name is Zero, btw. ;P

Tän nimi on Zero, btw. ;)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Some guns.. Made them few weeks ago, was suppose to draw roses or skulls around 'em but got too lazy.

Colt revolvers

Thursday, September 5, 2013


I have been away because of..multiple..problems. Computer for the first, camera for the second and money the third. But this weekend I try to post something that I have done. (:

I currently can't post some bodypainting stuff I did some weeks ago because I have no idea how to get them out of gmail thing that sucks.

I just wanted to announce that I haven't died in any point.

And, Every Single Comment, will be checked and insulting and shitty commenting is not aloud. They won't be posted to our blog or tolerated.
If somebody still wants to be an asshole, they can do it at their own places and leave other people alone.

We are anti-bully people and hoping everyone to be that very kind too.

Thank you all readers. And artists. (And our lovely Queen)

I shall soon post again.

Yours: THE Boss admin.


Olen ollut poissa joska on ollut ihan helvetisti ongelmia. Ensimmäinen ongelma on ollut tietokone, sitten kamera ja viimeisimpänä (mutta ei vähäisimpänä) raha. Mutta tänä viikonloppuna teen parhaani että saisin jotain postattua. (:

Just nyt en tiedä miten saisin postattua bodypainting juttujani koska ne on jäänyt jumiin Gmailiin.
Ihan perseestä.

Halusin vain ilmoittaa että en ole kuollut missään välissä.

JA! Joka Ikinen Kommentti tarkastetaan!! Loukkaavat, inhottavat ja paskiaismaiset kommentit poistetaan välittömästi. Me emme hyväksy loukkaamista ja vittuilua. Nollatoleranssi tässä blogissa.

Ja jos joku haluaa siltikin olla paskiainen, menköön kotiinsa ja jättäköön muiden blogit rauhaan.

Me olemme kiusaamista vastaan, ja toivomme että kaikilla olisi kykeneväisyyttä samaan.

Kiitos kaikille lukijoille ja taiteilijoille. (:

Pian postaan taas.

Teidän: POMO admin. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


This artist has ran out of all ideas what to draw. My head is completely empty and you folks, you are free to give any suggestions!*

*(It doesn't mean I execute all your ideas, or any of them if I feel like it)

Turbulence in kingdom.

Been hearing this little whining voice that's probably trying to over throw me. Saying that I haven't uploaded anything. HAH! How you like this you M***** F****** >:D here it comes! ALL (...not really) my past projects!

Meet Mr. and Mrs. mitten!....and the scarf

May I have this dance,Lady spring?

Pretty sure I broke some copyright stuff. Scandinavian hunks calender (better edition) :D 

Because bunnies make the world better

....made like 9m ( 29,5 ft) of that lace...

DMC 3 everybody just love Chester and stuff  

PFF! No! I'm not addicted to coffee.  much...

Only doodlings

I've done only little doodling today, and it's Lightning from FFXIII! Not very good ones but oh well. Even tried to do a chibi (up in the right corner) but I'm not very good at that. The Lightning under the chibi is pretty awful too. Rest of 'em are average.