Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One-Winged Angel

Yay! Some of you probably guessed from the tittle that this must have something to do with Sephiroth, well.. Here he is! I gotta say he looked much better in the sketch but since I didn't take picture of it.. And I also need to apologize the quality of the pic. (Camera of my phone's starting to get awful simply bcoz I got so many pictures in there taking the memory)
Now anyway, reason why I did this is.. That I was bored and I found out that our own Queen is a huge fan of Seph. So this is for You. (;
I hope it pleases.


  1. :D yes you please me mortal :3 awesome work! if you're up to it...color pleaze? (make you something in return...probably..when have time :D) And I see that someone ratted me out. nice....>:D

  2. Hm.. Challenge accepted. That can take a great while tho, coz I'm not any good at coloring stuff. (;
