Friday, October 31, 2014


Hello again.

I have new thing to tell you, dear readers.

Lately, we have had trouble posting regulary as before I noted to you.
That is because I myself have been working and being busy, Keeki has been also being in work and had had need of rest from posting and Casmation has had school and good old relaxing time.

So we have decided that our bright idea, of posting every week on our posting days, is off.
From now on, We post when ever we can/want/feel need to, but not on same day with other!!

(We do not count today or other holidays, because then we want to (probably) give you some merry packs of posting. Plenty of stuff and happiness)

 And if you have, still, something to say, Please do so.
We also still take possible ideas with open arms, because sometimes we might need some inspiration.

And would be nice to hear of you. (:

YOURS: Head admin, Smudger.

PS: Gonna change some background picture and stuff in the blog to make it more..seasonal.


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