Thursday, July 10, 2014

White Tiger

Sketched and inked yesterday and tonight.
Rather difficult one to do but I'm pretty pleased with the outcome.
I used White tigers as "inspiration" but you can think it as normal tiger too I guess..

Anyway, I've sketched punched of other stuff too today some of them are just so shitty I can't post them. EVER. :D

I will post more tomorrow,
I got one picture I have tried to colour, might post it, other tiger, some Watch_Dogs stuff..

 So yeah, hopefully tomorrow you'll see more art, right now I just can't draw more. (yet I'm bored) BUT because 5-6 hours of online gaming just is not enough for one day I shall continue pissing off other players. :P

Oh, and please, do comment our art work, it would be nice to hear some commentary once in a while.

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