Sunday, August 3, 2014

Last of summer

Well not really for me I think, but for my sister.
Visited home-home this weekend and actually enjoyed my time there =)
The weather was nice, I had good food to eat and a lot of kitties to pet!!! Oh, and those two dorky dogs we still have. All the animals were as hilarious as ever.
Even drew a little, but I`m still posting my stacked-up images that are a few weeks old, so you`ll have to wait to see them eventually. Nothing that awesome though. Mind-blowing is just not my thing, I simply do what I want. Freedom is the thing I love in this medium.
Men once again (And a girl), but I can reveal I have been drawing women too recently. They will not be on the next post but maybe on the one after the next one.

Dun dun duun, Keeki does color page practice!